Got me ones of those Nook electronic book things, so far so good. My intent was to have something to read while on airplanes or down time during my trips, I like to read but hate carrying books. I have been taking the thing with me everywhere I go. the battery last for ever and I find it easier to read than an actual book. Its light, I dont have to hold the thing open and I can take hundreds of books in the little pad. the coolest part I think is the fact that as long as I have a wi-fi connection or 3G network within range I can buy books right from the nook. I have found this to be a really cool feature. I can also download books from public and online library's. I have declared my little nook (I call it nookie) an essential part of my adventure kit, right next to my GPS and my anti chafe cream. If you get a chance to check one out do it, you will fall in love with it. I think the nook and other similar devises like the Kindle are going to do to books what the Ipod did to CDs. well see....